The Truth About Digital Marketing, The Risks & Rewards

The Truth About Digital Marketing, The Risks & Rewards

HEY FRIEND! I’m so excited to be back and in full swing with blogging. These past weeks have been a roller coaster of excitement and now I am so ready to pull the curtain on one of my most challenging and rewarding projects. That being: DIGITAL MARKETING.

So, if you’re to the game and just want more info or are a seasoned marketing pro, get ready to jump into the world of Digital Marketing. Starting with a little insight on the truth about Digital Marketing and all about the risks and rewards. Stay Tuned!

if you found the post randomly searching through the internet then chances are you too have seen or heard about DM. So, what have you found about it? Let me guess… not enough information to confidently take the leap? Yea, that was me too at first. And that was mostly because I didn’t see much out there about what DM really is or the risks you take in doing it. You can easily search and find so many people boasting about a specific course they bought and how they resold it to end up making thousands in profit. But what about the other stuff that isn’t about buying a $400 dollar course?

Well, the truth is that buying and reselling a course isn’t what Digital Marketing is all about. I mean YES, it is about buying and reselling but not just about some magic money-making course. Digital Marketing is so much more than that and it really is an amazing opportunity to genuinely change your life, and not just financially.

woman working in home office


Digital Marketing is the process of creating, advertising, and selling anything and everything that is a digital product. That can be a course, an e-book, a journal, planner, step by step guide, templets, photos, etc. It’s the same exact thing as starting or creating a product physically but just making and selling it digitally. As you can see, the only difference really is the fact that it isn’t a physical product. The part about it that I think gets people nervous and makes them question if is right for them is really the Marketing part of it all. I mean, it is the most important and the most intimidating part. Marketing is really the main point.

If you really wanted to you can easily make a digital product in a few weeks, a couple of days or even in a little as a few hours. But marketing that product can be stressful and most times it’s even harder than making the product. So, if you’re wondering about any of these questions: how do you do start, how often will you post and how do you even market it? Then check out my YT page for weekly post on DM tips and tricks and join my newsletter where you’ll get a bunch of freebies, tips and alerts to new post and products! If you’re interested in starting your business with Digital Products but really don’t have the time to make a product then check out my Done for You Digital Marketing Guide under my Digital Products tab at the top of my blog or the link below. You can rebrand and resell this guide however you want, and you get 100% of the profit, SWEET!

Taking Risks

Let’s be real: digital marketing can be a bit like a gamble. Every campaign launch comes with uncertainties. Will your post catch fire on social media, or disappear without a trace? Will your ad bring in new customers and revenue, or fall flat? It’s all part of the challenge and honestly, it’s the only really risk you have when Digital Marketing. The only part that you risk is the loss of the time, energy and effort you put in if you decided to quit. But that risk is really only an option if you let it be. Making digital products can be so much fun but it can also take a lot of time planning, creating and editing too.

You can easily spend an hour a day or 5 hours a day, a few days a week. It really depends on what route you choose when sourcing the products for your specific store, what your niche is for your market and how you decide to market it. And if I have to say it again then: THE ONLY THING YOU RISK IS TIME IF YOU DECIDE TO QUIT. And sure, you can technically add in money if you’re buying all your inventory or investing in courses but even that is still a very low scale risk compared to the massive startup cost of other businesses.

Enjoying the Rewards

But hey, when it works, it’s magic! Imagine your campaign goes viral. Your website traffic spikes, and your inbox fills up with order? Imagine the possibilities of how much your life would change? And with so little risk its almost hard finding an excuse because you shouldn’t just try. The thrill of digital marketing—the chance to turn your ideas into real success story, is so worth it. Growing your business and even your own personal brand is inevitable. Thers no way not to unless you stop.

Plus, if your already and entrepreneur and business owner that you should really want to know all about Digital Marketing and creating products that apply to your specific niche and audience will definitely boost your growth. I mean the world is only getting more and more digital so if you don’t think hoping on the digital marketing train isn’t important to you then, oh man, you’re going to have a rough time keeping up.

How It Works

So, how do you make it happen? It’s all about strategy. From creating the content for your product and analyzing your data, to putting it all together and making it into the actually digital product to the digital marketing tools you’ll use like SEO and social media. It all takes strategy, planning and consistency. You can’t really expect to create this awesome thing, post it on some platform then think it is going to sell and make you thousand without a strategic and tactical plan. Remember, it’s not just about numbers—it’s about understanding what people want and delivering it.

And creating that plan doesn’t have to be hard guys! It’s actually really simple. You can start by organizing your time and breaking down this process step by step into smaller tasks and taking it a step at a time. I personally think people make this part so much more complicated than it has to be and that’s usually because they aren’t writing things down and organizing out the steps to take. I mean imagine having all that information stored into your mind and getting overwhelmed. How do you know what to do and when to do it? Easy, PLAN IT OUT! once you have your own personal flow to creating a product and all the ads and marketing stuff the process of actually marketing it and growing will get so much easier.

Connecting with People

Behind all the tech stuff, remember this: digital marketing is about connecting with real people. It’s about telling stories that resonate, giving solutions to problems and using that to build relationships with your audience online. When you understand your audience, you can create campaigns that really make an impact. Digital marketing is an exciting business adventure. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the successes, and keep learning along the way.

Whether you’re a business owner or a curious mind, there’s always something new to discover in the digital marketing. So, are you ready to dive in? The risks are real, but so are the rewards. Let’s make some magic online! Follow my social media accounts to stay connected, I’d love to hear how your journey goes with Digital Marketing. Also check out my own Digital Products for quick access to MRR and PLR products you can start selling today! Links Below!


Ana Lynn <3

Want more info, follow my YouTube channel XoAnaLynn for more in-depth info on all about Digital Marketing and Digital Product Creation!

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